Wednesday, July 27, 2005

open mouth insert foot

Picture it...Summer 2002...a six month old Evan Drake is just learning to sit up, a still-in-her- twenties young mother is attending a play group with 3 other young mothers who she has only known for 3-4months. This young mother, having just turned 29 brings her spouse to the playgroup. Someone has made a pan of brownies to celebrate that birthday. The young mother is grateful stating that she loves brownies and had made some herself not too long ago. Her spouse, thinkin he's some kind of funny guy, then says, "yea but you ate the whole pan before I got one". A hush fell over the room. jaws dropped. horrified glances were exchanged. Sam, Sam, Sam...

My question to you guys...when has someone (a spouse, buddy or significant other) really embarrassed you???


Blogger Russell said...

I've done my share of embarassing others, that's for sure!

3:36 PM  
Blogger Four-Leaf K' lover said...

well, i'm not going there. However I was one of the fortunate ones to hear Sam say this to his lovely wife. It's quite funny, because once he said it, he knew he was in for one heck of a ride home=))). This moment in time continues to be an ongoing joke about how men....I'll let you finish the sentence.

3:40 PM  
Blogger Kevin said...

Sam,Sam,Sam. the list just keeps on growing.
I was in a public restroom (in a stall with the door closed)at the Mall of America helping my young son snap his pants after he did his business when he shouts out "STOP IT. DONT TOUCH ME THERE".
This was repeated 5-7 times until we made a hasty departure with me getting some very disturbing looks from the gentlemen in the restroom.

6:17 PM  
Blogger Tortikat said...

Yes I remember one incident that happened to me at a local restaurant. It was a few years ago when my very proper mother was getting old. She had invited me out to dinner at the Country House restaurant. The dinner was nice and it's one where you pay your bill at the cash register instead of the waitress picking it up. There was a short line to pay and we were second in line I believe. As we stood there I nodded and spoke to a few local aquaintances I knew from town when suddenly..someone behind me let one of the loudest and odorous rrrrrrips that I have heard in many a moon. All the people around us..including the owner of the restaurant (that I knew quite well) stared at me..obviously surprised at "my" behaviour amd also quite amused. I was mortified and of course..Mom never acknowledged it or excused herself. I wasn't about to take the public rap for I discreetly nodded in Mom's direction. Several around me laughed but at least they now knew I was not the guilty party. Ironicly my brother and I used to get grounded for letting out even a pipsqueak of a fart when we were growing up..go figure!

10:27 PM  
Blogger Doug E. Pudge said...

I got one from just a couple of weeks ago when a certain person made a certain comment at a certain eucre party about a certain event that had recently happened in my life. I got a little embarrassed! BBT

2:13 PM  
Blogger Kodiak said...

Back during Christmas '82, I was invited by Jackie's mom to visit and meet the family. Jackie and I had been writting back and forth for nearly a year and a half before. Jackie and I had plans to go to Congress (a great missions engagement) '82. We had to travel from Toronto to Chicago by bus. We had to wait awhile for customs to board and check the bus and ask their routine questions. After the agents asked me their questions and had passed Jackie muttered "they never asked you about your g*n (don't want to set off any alerts), anyhow it was overheard by the customs agents who then proceded to drill me with questions. When I finally convinced them that I had none we were allowed to cross over to the U.S. and had a great time listening to all the speakers about mission work. I thought the matter at the border was closed until our bus was once again delayed and thourouly searched. I guess this qualifies as a foot-n-mouth. We look back and laugh. Smile on!!!
Great post WG

8:45 PM  

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