Tuesday, August 23, 2005

ck it out


I'm kinda in a "IF YOU BUILD IT THEY WILL COME" place right now...anyone who knows where I'm coming from...please pray for me
for Sam...
for Evan...
for Michael...
for Chris...
for GBoo...
for mymomma...
I could so go on right now...

cranky bugs

What if Evan has learned everything he knows about conflict resolution from Thomas the Tank Engine? Is that possible??

Sunday, August 21, 2005


We are all connected...

think about it...

We are all connected.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Is this what my life has become???

I was folding a white load of laundry the other day and when I was done, all the socks matched.

I felt like I won the Lottery.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Looking Back...

We were talking at our house last night about revisiting favorite moments in times of stress...when it seems the universe has conspired to give you in particular a tough time. This has to be one of my favorite moments in time. Looking at this picture, I find that all I can think of is all the wonderful things that had not yet happened and all of the amazing things that happened to bring me to that moment. I tell ya...it does help put all my work drama in perspective:) God Bless you all today!!!

Friday, August 12, 2005

a special thanks

for the smiles and the laughs and the prayers...the nouriche and take five bar when I was too busy and distracted to feed myself...a laugh from Manny, a wink from Sam...sympathy from my Momma...a kiss from Boo-girl, a hug from Evan Drake...a chat with an old friend...a chance to help someone...a hug from the daughter of a dying man...a phone call from my mentor...more prayers than I can quantify...giggles from the blogosphere...Meet the Fockers...a quiet moment to express myself with a really good cup of coffee...

Thank you to God...Thank you for working through all these people to carry me through this impossible week. I feel your love. and...you have my attention.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

A Peek at the Plan

Do you ever have those moments when things in your life make perfect sense? When everything seems clear, in focus?

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Bad News...Good News

My hair is falling out...
Many of those chosen for release are gray

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Pay it Forward

My original idea for a post this AM has changed for many reasons. I originally was going to post a light-hearted "Thank God it's Monday" post since my 7-day-on-stretch finished @ 8AM today. Something else is pulling on my heart. I had an impromptu conversation this with a good friend this morning that began on one subject (money--not a fun topic around here lately)and drifted into another (Blessings--my favorite topic lately). I don't know if people are becoming more kind or if God is finally opening my eyes to the blessings around me. My family is blessed by the kindness of friends and family daily. I always find myself thinking, "when I can, I'm going to do something special for her/him." This morning as I listened to my friend list some really amazing blessings, he stated that someday he wanted to repay that kindness. I heard myself tell him that perhaps it is God's plan for him not to repay but to extend that kindness to another. Whoa...who said that? This certainly is not an original idea or thought, but neverless a good one...an inherently Christian one. The movie and novel, Pay it Forward does a good job of illustrating the ripple effect of infectious kindness. I liked when I read it and now when I think of it, more and more, it makes a natural sense to me. I for one will be "paying it forward" when ever I can (and hopefully even when I think I can't).

and yes...I started this post yesterday and couldn't finish.

God Bless you all today!