Monday, December 19, 2005

The Spirit of Giving

For the past few weeks I have been (not blogging, yes I know, but we have other fish to fry today) thinking about, concentrating on and yes, obsessing over what to get my children for Christmas. You know what they played with today and I mean ALL DAY????

The boxes the christmas cards came in. Oh and a pencil.

It's one of those lessons that your grandparents and Parents try to warn you about but looking at all those cool toys, you never really believe until your kids do it to you.
It reminds me of the old acronym: KISS

Keep It Simple Stupid

Oh and this refers to me...the rest of you go ahead and buy the cool pricey toys because I certainly prefer them to boxes and I'll come right over to play:D

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

I can drive 55

Something occurred to me yesterday, as I was driving along and I realized that I was as happy and relaxed as I ever am. Rather that revel in the moment, I just had to study it. Was it the sunny (but no too sunny) day? Was this the continued good feeling I had after spending an afternoon with good friends? Was it because the pieces of onion were large and easy to remove on my quarter pounder with cheese? Not even close. Then I stumbled upon something odd...I'm almost always happy when I'm driving...and then it hit me. This is the only time it is not only legal, but recommended to strap my kids to chairs and ...I have a radio to drown out their bickering & repeated requests to go to "Old McDonald's". For twenty minutes they aren't falling down, trying to spank one another, jumping on the couch, applying my makeup to one another, dumping out folded baskets of laundry or any of a hundred other offenses...they're just sitting there through the beauty of restraint. Good stuff.