Parallel lines of curiosity and unease
The other day Evan (my 4 year old) walked by with a barrel of Monkeys, a pair of pliers and a very small tank. He had this kind of half determined half amused look on his face. I was going to ask him...but then why ask...I'm sure the answer would only make sense to him anyway.
sounds like a calvin situation ...
so, if I throw water on mommy, and spill her paint, it's funny?
Monkeys, Pliers and a Tank, Not sure what the end result will be, but it would be cool to watch..
Evan Rocks!!!
Or if I pour water, milk and then pop on my baby brother, who sits there and does not react, it's funny??
Hey give the kid a break he's got FUTURE ENGINEER written all over him. B4T
choo choo!
NOT THAT TYPE OF ENGINEER! You are such a Sammy! B4T
Mmmm, perhaps a future Zoo Tycoon?
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