Last night I had a bad Mommy night. Odd, because it was a great blog day. So striking to me, because most of my day was spent on such a high; good mtg @wk, no one bleeding when I returned, great talks with God, Coffee with my guy, funny chats with Kel, giggly pics of Manny and M&M (Mischief&Mayhem, m,y 2 and 3 year olds) to show off at work, an awesome praise by chaplain Ron @ our wk mtg ( I could go on)...I felt on top of the world! How is it that a mere two hours later the polarity of the earth shifted and landed squarely on my shoulders?? Wellllll...a combo of on call activity and what can only be described as a 2 yr old declaring war on her mother ensued. In the span of 30 minutes, G dumped 2 full aquafinas on the livingroom floor and one cup of cookie -dunking milk on the table, ran out side without a pullup & plopped her naked tookus in the dirt and smiled the broadest grin you've ever seen at every turn ,correction and admonishment from me. Meanwhile, E lost the ability to walk subsequent to a bandaid being placed on his ankle and then once the paralytic bandage was removed followed Grace around through all of her activities with a combination of giggles and a scary look of reverance that seemed to say loud and clear, "Damn. Wish I'd thought of that." In the midst of all of this craziness, I was fielding multiple calls from work.
As I sit here recounting my stressful tale, it becomes clear to me that one of a couple of things might be happening here:
1. God decided to use me to entertain you guys this AM
or the most likely scenario...
2. God is reminding me that the mountain top can become a slippery slope and to stay humble in my work and parenting.
Man...I gotta stop praying for patience:) God Bless you all today!!